
The purpose of the track is to provide a space for reflection and put into practice the foundation, operationalization, and fields of application of qualitative and mixed methods researches. It brings an opportunity to be part of an international scientific meeting where researchers, academics and professionals from around the world present and discuss the most innovative qualitative or mixed methods works carried out in the fields of Social Sciences, Health, Art, Humanities, Sciences, Biology, Physics and Engineering. It is tried to discuss, guide and train in the research process from qualitative and mixed perspectives (1) to specify the general epistemological formulations on which the methods are based in more precise and up-to-date methodological proposals, and (2) to inform about the definition of the problem, access to the field, selection of participants, the most used and innovative data collection techniques, basic aspects of data analysis, the role of technology in data analysis, the drawing up of the research report, as well as the challenges of research in these fields of knowledge. It will be insisted on the main advantages and disadvantages of this type of researches, focusing especially on the quality criteria of the research, since, from our point of view, it is extremely important to identify the main weaknesses of this type of research and know the strategies to overcome them.


  • Qualitative Research
  • Mixed methods Research
  • Qualitative and Mixed Methods Designs
  • Sampling and Selection of Information Sources
  • Research Techniques of Data Collection
  • Research Techniques of Data Analyses Software that Support Qualitative and Mixed Methods Researches
  • Assessment of Qualitative and Mixed Methods
  • Researches Presentation of Qualitative and Mixed Methods Researches

Track Scientific Committee

Mª Cruz Sánchez-Gómez (University of Salamanca, Spain) – Chair

António Pedro Dias da Costa (University of Aveiro, Portugal) – Chair

Ana Mª Pinto-Llorente (University of Salamanca, Spain) – Chair

Mª Teresa Anguera Argilaga (Universidad de Barcelona, Spain)

Teresa Gonçalves (Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal)

Cristina Pereira (Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal)

Veronica Basilotta Gomez Pablos (University of Salamanca, Spain)

Vanessa Izquierdo Álvarez (University of Salamanca, Spain)

Juan Pablo Hernández Ramos (University of Salamanca, Spain)

Patricia Torrijos Fincias (University of Salamanca, Spain)

Mª Victoria Martín Cilleros (University of Salamanca, Spain)

Óscar José Martín Sánchez (Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain)

Mª Teresa Del Moral Marcos (Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain)

Rosa María Guilleumas García (Technological University of Pereira, Colombia)

Hernán Gil Ramírez (Technological University of Pereira, Colombia)

Ricardo Luengo González (University of Extremadura, Spain)

Luis Manuel Casas García (University of Extremadura, Spain)

Pedro Corcho Sánchez (University of Extremadura, Spain)

Teresa Alzás García (University Isabel I, Spain)

Mª Jesús Perales Montolio (University of Valencia, Spain)

Purificación Sánchez Delgado (University of Valencia, Spain)

Elisabete Pinto da Costa (Lusofona University of Porto, Portugal)

Dayse Neri de Souza (Adventist University Center of Sao Paulo, Brasil)